This story is from Banana. It is one of my most favorite stories ever. Enjoy!
When I was in college, I passed by the institute building one day during finals week. There were, understandably, very few people there. They were having an impromptu blood drive. I had never given blood before, and there was always a LONG line other times, so I decided to make it my first time giving blood. It was going well. I was kind of nervous, but everyone was reassuring. The phlebotomist (I'll call him Ryan) who took my blood was really nice, and he even once lived in Cedar. We got talking and found out we had many similar acquaintances. We had mutual friends. He was in the same major classes as my brother. I knew his wife. The blood was flowing... slowly. Finally, the time came to pull out the last three vials. The sight of my blood bubbling was making me a little light-headed. I hadn't had a big breakfast. I lost consciousness.
When I came to, I didn't know where I was. There was a strange woman talking to me. It started to come back. It turns out that I passed out right at the end of the donation. Ryan was monitoring two of us at the same time, and the other person was done and needed his attention right when I passed out. Another phlebotomist came to help, and it was her voice I woke up to. After a minute, Ryan came back to check on me and let me use his cell phone to call for a ride. It was then that I realized that I had wet my pants when I passed out. Ryan cleaned up the puddle on the floor. Dub came to get me. I went home, and I never saw Ryan again.
Hmm... that might put me off donating blood for a while - how awful!
That is humiliating! I'm glad I never had that experience while donating blood...and since I can no longer donate, I will never have that experience.
I totally remember that, Banana! I arrived in town that day for the holidays. I think it was right before I went to the MTC. It reminds of the time I visited Dub and she signed me up to donate platelets. Because my veins are so small, my session was twice as long as expected and my lips ended up going numb and I couldn't complain about it since the nurse had left the room. ...And I never heard from the nurse again. (Not really.)
Man, our family stinks at giving blood/platelets.
Banana - you forgot to mention one of my favorite parts of the story. As I recall, they gave you a disposable labcoat to tie around your waist so that no one would notice that you had peed your pants. It made me wonder if this was a common occurrence, and if they kept the labcoats around specifically for predicaments like yours.
I'm pretty sure that is one of the best stories I've ever heard. Thanks for sharing!
I have donated blood three times. The first time as I was walking away to the snack place I almost passed out. The room began to darken and I sat down and put my head down. My friend was sitting there and I told her I was going to faint, but thankfully I didn't. After that I always eat a ton before I donate and make sure to sit for awhile. Drinking orange juice can help a lot.
I've never donated blood - I know, I'm a horrible person. So, I may not be able to totally relate to it, but this was a great story.
I try to give blood whenever possible. It may be the only time I lose weight. However, this story has put me off a bit. And aren't you glad you never saw Ryan again??
I've never donated blood either. I've never been told I'd have a problem, but I always feel like it can't be good for me.
That was a good story...a horrible story, but a good story.
It is amazing how many new friends and well-wishers you get when you share your most embarrassing story with the world. Sorry to those of you who feel differently about donating blood, now. I've actually given blood two other times since, and they were much better experiences.
I didn't remember the disposable lab coat part. Thanks for the reminder.
Great story! :)
This comment has nothing to do with this post, FYI.
I just noticed your profile, so I checked to see how many views you have - CONGRATULATIONS! I'm glad you met your "goal". :)
Thanks, Julie! I bet that a few of them are me, but ...oh well.
New post coming soon.
Oh my. That's the worst. Passing out and peeing your pants.
My rule of thumb: Don't ever look at the blood!
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